6 Tips For End Of Summer AC Maintenance

6 Tips For End Of Summer AC Maintenance

Your air conditioner has kept you cool and comfortable during the hottest days of the year. As we kiss summer goodbye, it’s time to return the favor to your cooling unit by doing some maintenance tasks.

Whether you’re using a central air conditioning unit or a window-type A/C, these expert maintenance tips will keep your cooling system in good shape:

  1. Examine Your Unit for Anything Unusual: Carve out some of your time observing your air conditioner. Give it a visual checkup by looking for frayed wires, leaks, and damaged internal parts. Listen and be attentive to any strange sounds like tickling, hissing or rattling. Also, trace for odd smells. Report to your HVAC contractor immediately once you notice some abnormalities on your unit.
  2. Get a New Air Filter: You probably had your filter cleaned at the start of the season, but after a couple of months, it has to be replaced for better performance. Changing your air filters is the simplest and easiest A/C maintenance job. Not only that it ensures breathing cleaner and healthier air at home, but it also saves a fraction on your energy bill.
  3. Clean the Condenser Coils: The condensate drain is the breeding ground for mildew and moisture on your outdoor unit that can cause your A/C to work harder. If you haven’t cleaned it the entire season, now is the right time! Make sure to clean the drain to prevent signs of clogging before it impairs your cooling system.
  4. Clear Your Outdoor Unit From Any Obstructions: Before the fall sets in, your outdoor unit should be ready to take up the challenge. Clear the area around the condenser from shrubs, weeds or fallen branches. Eliminate any visible dirt and debris with a vacuum or brush. Keep it free from obstructions to allow sufficient air circulation.
  5. Schedule an A/C Preventive Checkup: A preventive tune-up will keep your air conditioning unit running efficiently throughout this year, even for next summer. With a complete A/C inspection, you are sure that your unit is all set for the seasons ahead, giving you peace of mind before the summer ends.
  6. Call Professionals for Help: A/C maintenance is not your typical do-it-yourself and know-it-all task. The best way to upkeep your cooling unit is with the help of the experts. Don’t think twice to call your trusted HVAC company to inspect, clean, repair and maintain your system.

All-Season HVAC Maintenance Services in Washington, DC

Are you having trouble with your air conditioning unit? Come to us at Hugee Corporation for the best HVAC services. Let us know your A/C issues and concerns by calling or sending us a message.

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